Gye Nyame Anokye Balm


Gye Nyame Black Seed Bitters with Moringa


Gye Nyame Moringa Oleifera


Gye Nyame Black Seed Soap


Straight from the Miracle Tree

The Moringa Oleifera leaf has been described as "a nutritional dream come true." Packed with vitamins + nutrients, it is an antioxidant and immunity stimulant, acts as an anti-imflammatory, promotes healthy circulation, helps to balance cholesterol + sugar levels and has the highest source of plant protein.

Explore Gye Nyame's Black Seed Bitters with Moringa and Moringa Leaf Capsules.

Blog posts

Nigella Sativa + its therapeutic effects on COVID-19

Nigella Sativa + its therapeutic effects on COVID-19

Possible therapeutic effects of Nigella sativa and its thymoquinone on COVID-19.  Published online June 10, 2021.

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Authentic BLACK SEED BITTERS with Moringa

Authentic BLACK SEED BITTERS with Moringa

Please note the following important information about our original BLACK SEED BITTERS with Moringa:

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Black Seed Bitters with Moringa has a new look!

Black Seed Bitters with Moringa has a new look!

Our BLACK SEED BITTERS with MORINGA has a new look, and it's the same original, amazing product.

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